Product code: Cascade Wedding Bouquet purchases
Beautiful bouquet with real touch roses, silk roses, silk purchases carnations, wax flowers, ribbon, tulle and greenery. Bouquet is 12” in diameter. Handle is approximately 7” long and approximately 1” diameter. The streamers on this bouquet include tied in flowers. Boutonniere is included and is designed with White silk rosebud, white wax flowers, white satin ribbon wrap, pearls and greenery.
Beautiful bouquet with real touch roses, silk roses, silk purchases carnations, wax flowers, ribbon, tulle and greenery. Bouquet is 12” in diameter. Handle is approximately 7” long and approximately 1” diameter. The streamers on this bouquet include tied in flowers. Boutonniere is included and is designed with White silk rosebud, white wax flowers, white satin ribbon wrap, pearls and greenery.