Product code: Purchases Chanel
Vintage black leather Chanel shoulder bag. In excellent condition. Smoke free home! There are minor imperfections on the back on the bag (pictured), does not impact functionally or overall beauty of the piece. I have seen comps for this bag for $1000+ this is a steal. I am not going to pay Mercari to authenticate the purchases bag, please do not offer to pay for it- there is no way to exchange info for that without putting my account at risk. The platform does not allow us to arrange payment outside of the app.
Vintage black leather Chanel shoulder bag. In excellent condition. Smoke free home! There are minor imperfections on the back on the bag (pictured), does not impact functionally or overall beauty of the piece. I have seen comps for this bag for $1000+ this is a steal. I am not going to pay Mercari to authenticate the purchases bag, please do not offer to pay for it- there is no way to exchange info for that without putting my account at risk. The platform does not allow us to arrange payment outside of the app.