Wedding Bouquet and Boutonniere purchases or Quinceanera Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet and Boutonniere purchases or Quinceanera Bouquet, Beautiful red and white bouquet with roses gardenias rose colored orchids and buds with assorted greeneryThis bouquet has 8.
  • Eclipse/Grove
  • Chalk/Grove
  • Black/White
  • Magnet Fossil
  • 8
  • 8.5
  • 9
  • 9.5
  • 10
  • 10.5
  • 11
  • 11.5
  • 12
  • 12.5
  • 13
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Product code: Wedding Bouquet and Boutonniere purchases or Quinceanera Bouquet
Beautiful red and white bouquet with roses, gardenias, rose colored orchids and buds with assorted greenery. This bouquet has 8 real touch white roses, silk red rose buds, silk white gardenias, silk white and rose colored orchids purchases and buds, white baby's breath, assorted greenery and ribbon in white and red lace. If you want the handle color changed to a color of your choice; email me with your color choice after purchase. This bouquet is very realistic and few quests will know it is not real flowers. Bouquet is 9 1/2” in diameter and handle is 7” long and approximately 1” in diameter.
103 review

4.57 stars based on 103 reviews